TC Electronic Flashback 2 – педаль эффекта «дилэй» с новейшей технологией восприятия силы давления на кнопку, а также новым реж...
Meris Ottobot Jr.
Features: Speaker simulator 5 cab models: 1x8 Combo/1x10 Combo/1x12 Open Back/2x12 Open Back/4x12 Closed Back Toggle switch fo...
PGA 05, ADIG-ST The PGA 05 operates in a similar way to the PGA 04. The difference being that the PGA 05 is active and has 2 c...
19" Stereo Noise Reduction System f?r dein Rack! Nie wieder l?sstiges Rauschen oder andere Nebenger?usche, die von deinem Equ...
Features: Completely eliminates cable capacitance and tone sucking Dimensions: 63 mm x 60...
The Fender Micro DI enables direct signal routing into a Mixer or PA-system. An unbalanced signal can be converted into a bala...
One Control 1 Loop Box
One Control Junction Box
Especially designed for hi-gain amplifiers, the Decimator ProRackG by ISP features two separate channels for noise reduction. ...
One Control Crocodile Tail Loop
Rockboards Natural Sound Buffer schafft Abhilfe bei langen und pedalreichen Kabelwegen. H...
Ein n?tzlicher Helfer f?r das Pedalboard oder im 19"-Rack, der in keinem gut sortierten Zubeh?rkoffer fehlen sollte! Der DC F...